Production and service companies

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Investments in production and service companies are another direction that is no less popular than profitable real estate. Different levels of involvement and participation – from independent control and supervision of the business to 100% trust-based management – may be chosen for this instrument. It’s up to you to choose to what extent you and your family members will be involved in this process. This segment guarantees high profits and ensures an average annual return on your investment of 10–15%. Standard business risks connected with the production process, use of the required technology, and dependency on the effectiveness of management on the whole and on the sales structure in particular may be encountered.

This direction implies investments aimed at acquiring a share or full control of small companies, production and service companies.

The optimal scope of investments in this segment is from EUR 1.5 million. This instrument enables you to implement a variety of investment tasks and avail yourself of engineering business development opportunities of investors and AVR Private Investments using business connections and know-how, both in the international and in the Russian market. This is a complex investment instrument that calls for certain experience and involvement in the process, and AVR Private Investments is ready to undertake the tasks of managing, developing and optimising the activities of your engineering company. You can control either 100% or a share of the company – conditions may vary depending on the particularities of the project.